Excuse me for the lack of punnery today, I have a rather nasty migraine today and do not seem to be mentally coherent. This may be a jumble of things that don't make sense. Sorry
a. "As it happened, just at this time, growing numbers of Chinese were also becoming worried, even frightened and angry, about pollution, adulterated foods, and the corruption that kept local government agencies from taking remedial actions. And because more and more Chinese were not only erupting into spontaneous protests as a way to get action, but also looking to NGOs rather than to the government for relief, and because even the press had become more activist, the government became concerned about the impact of environmental damage on the stability of the country. The number of scares involving illegal chemical additives in food was creating particular alarm. In 2008, milk products were found to contain melamine, a coal-based industrial chemical that, when ingested, can cause kidney stones and renal failure. (Melamine had been regularly used to give milk powder and baby formula a seemingly higher protein content.) As a result, some 300,000 Chinese consumers were sickened and at least six infants died. The Chinese government reorganized its food-inspection system in response, and its new Food Safety Law went into effect in 2009. Nonetheless, the dairy industry was hit again with scandals this year. In the spring, hundreds were sent to the hospital when hogs from 16 provinces were found to have been fed a “lean meat powder” containing the toxic chemical additives ractopamine or clenbuterol, to produce less-fatty pork. In Guangdong province, authorities discovered and destroyed 45 tons of vermicelli noodles adulterated with industrial wax and ink; in Shenyang, police seized 40 tons of bean sprouts that had been illegally bathed in urea, sodium nitrite, antibiotics, and the plant hormone 6-benzyladenine, to make them grow faster and appear fresher. The food-safety situation became so serious that on April 14, Premier Wen Jiabao took the unprecedented step of speaking out, saying the recent scandals indicated that “dishonesty and moral degradation” had become a serious problem."
a. "As it happened, just at this time, growing numbers of Chinese were also becoming worried, even frightened and angry, about pollution, adulterated foods, and the corruption that kept local government agencies from taking remedial actions. And because more and more Chinese were not only erupting into spontaneous protests as a way to get action, but also looking to NGOs rather than to the government for relief, and because even the press had become more activist, the government became concerned about the impact of environmental damage on the stability of the country. The number of scares involving illegal chemical additives in food was creating particular alarm. In 2008, milk products were found to contain melamine, a coal-based industrial chemical that, when ingested, can cause kidney stones and renal failure. (Melamine had been regularly used to give milk powder and baby formula a seemingly higher protein content.) As a result, some 300,000 Chinese consumers were sickened and at least six infants died. The Chinese government reorganized its food-inspection system in response, and its new Food Safety Law went into effect in 2009. Nonetheless, the dairy industry was hit again with scandals this year. In the spring, hundreds were sent to the hospital when hogs from 16 provinces were found to have been fed a “lean meat powder” containing the toxic chemical additives ractopamine or clenbuterol, to produce less-fatty pork. In Guangdong province, authorities discovered and destroyed 45 tons of vermicelli noodles adulterated with industrial wax and ink; in Shenyang, police seized 40 tons of bean sprouts that had been illegally bathed in urea, sodium nitrite, antibiotics, and the plant hormone 6-benzyladenine, to make them grow faster and appear fresher. The food-safety situation became so serious that on April 14, Premier Wen Jiabao took the unprecedented step of speaking out, saying the recent scandals indicated that “dishonesty and moral degradation” had become a serious problem."
This passage is a very strong reminder that governmental regulations of food products is not where it is in the US. This is why Walmart's strong food standards has been so beneficial for the Chinese people. They are relieved to know that Walmart is a safe haven for food and they don't have to worry as much about the food that they consume there.
b. In the article, Schell writes about how Walmart's business practices and China's government practices actually correspond. because of this, the Chinese people find comfort in Walmart's presence. Because many food markets in China are inconsistent and do not sell quality product, the fact that Walmart is a safe presence is a good thing in China. This safety allows for a beneficial interaction between the average Chinese citizen and Walmart. This reliability allows Walmart to be successfully integrated into Chinese culture. Also, the Walmarts in China are helping push the 'green' movement in China, thus allowing this movement to be more widespread. If this message comes from a reliable store and the government, the movement must also be reliable. Also, because this movement is important in Chinese culture, by Walmart reflecting this, it allows for more sales. Walmart also pressured its supplies to follow suit. So, in this aspect, Walmart's presence helped set the green movement into action in China.
c. Many multinational firms impact style trends in cultures today and also reflect the current trends. Nike dictates the 'cool' shoe to wear by having popular sports players wear the shoes. Popular clothing lines dictate the 'in' colors, shapes and fashions. If these business continually change the 'in' product, people will have incentives to continually change their wardrobe. Currently, many food manufacturers are responding to the health food and organic movement by advertising their products as pure or healthy. Because corporations want to make money, if they reflect important issues in society, they can see an increase in sales. Currently, healthy and organic attracts customers.
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